Student Loan Repayment FAQs
Are international students eligible to receive funds?
Answer: No. Individuals must be U.S. citizens.
Is funding prorated depending on where a student is at in the program?
Answer: No, all students are eligible for the full amount based on full or half-time enrollment status. Students should request the amount of funds allocated for their program of study for either full or part-time enrollment.
Does the student need to meet the full-time requirement of the nursing program they apply to in order to be eligible for the funds?
Answer: No, the student may be enrolled full or half-time as defined by their program. It is important that the student know what is defined as full-time or half-time (50% of full- time) for their specific program. The required number of credits for each varies across programs statewide.
If a student does not meet the full or part-time (50%) equivalent with the offered program courses, must the extra credits be at the graduate level?
Answer: Yes, all courses need to be at the graduate level and could be independent or directed study credits.
Can students who work as TAs (teaching assistants) also apply for funds?
Answer: Yes. The amounts for this year are predetermined and not dependent on other funding streams. Other funding may be impacted by accepting WI Nurse Educator funds. Applicants are encouraged to consult with the financial aid office at their academic institution.
How is other financial aid impacted by receiving the WI Nurse Educator Funds?
Answer: Other funding may be impacted by accepting WI Nurse Educator funds. Applicants are encouraged to consult with the financial aid office at their academic institution.
Are there limits to the number of hours a student works outside of their program?
Answer: No. The student must maintain full or half-time status as designated in their application. Outside activities are not regulated.
Must students hold a Wisconsin nursing license?
Answer: Yes. The goal of this program is to provide Nurse Educators for Wisconsin. To teach nursing courses individuals must be licensed by the state of Wisconsin by the start of their faculty contract.
Teaching Commitment Requirement
Are students assured of a teaching position at a specific school?
Answer: No. Many schools have faculty vacancies; however, a school cannot be expected to hold a position for a current student or assure that a position is available that aligns with the student’s areas of expertise. Positions are available throughout Wisconsin and students may complete the teaching commitment requirement at any eligible school in the state. This may require relocation.
How do I secure a teaching position after I graduate?
Answer: Students will need to apply and interview for positions as usual. Teaching requirement must be completed at an eligible WI nursing school/college. Individuals can verify eligibility with individual school/college or with HEAB.
What is the definition of part-time when considering the payback requirements?
Answer: Part-time will be defined by the college/school where the faculty is employed. However it must be equivalent to 0.5 FTE or more.
Would two part-time positions be counted as a full-time position for payback requirements?
Answer: No, only full-time positions at one institution will be counted as full-time for payback requirements.
Is financial need a consideration?
Answer: No. Financial need is not a requirement.
Are there any limits to how far along the students can be in their programs to apply for funding?
Answer: As long as the student is full-time or half-time (50%), the student would be eligible. PhD students who are in dissertator status are still eligible to apply. Students must be accepted into the identified qualifying nursing programs to be eligible for this funding.
When will the student funds be dispersed?
Answer: Half of the funding will be provided fall semester and the second half spring semester.
How are allocations awarded?
Answer: Funds will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis as applications are submitted to HEAB.
How does the student access funds?
Answer: Funds will be deposited into the student’s account at their university or School.
How soon after a funding application will the student be notified?
Answer: A month after the completed and approved application is submitted.
General Student Funding Questions
Are there restrictions on what the funds can be used for?
Answer: No, funds are available to support costs such as tuition, books, housing, transportation, supplies, childcare.
What happens if a student drops out of a program or GPA is not longer acceptable for continuation in the program?
Answer: The student is expected to be full-time time or half-time (50%). If students do not maintain eligibility status during the year of funding, they will need to meet with their faculty advisor, and the circumstance be brought to the Wisconsin Nurse Educator Program Implementation Committee for review. A student who drops out of a program of study will be expected to repay funds to HEAB. If the student’s GPA jeopardizes their ability to complete a degree, the student will be expected to repay funds to HEAB.
If a recipient is currently working as full-time faculty and going from an MSN-NE to a DNP, will the time currently teaching count towards the payback or does it start when recipient finishes degree?
Answer: Payback for teaching starts when the degree that is funded by HEAB is completed.
Is the amount of teach back required prorated based on amount of funding received?
Answer: Teaching requirements are not prorated by amount of funds received.
If recipient teaches as full-time faculty in fall/spring (academic year), and then they also teach over summer (for year round program), would courses taught in summer session as an adjunct status count towards teach back?
Answer: No, this would not change the time commitment for teach back.
Are these funds considered taxable income? Will my taxes be impacted?
Answer: Given each person’s individual circumstances, we are not able to provide a one-size fits all answer. Recipients are advised to talk to a tax professional as to the implications of the award.
Contact us at (608) 267-2209 or fill out the form below.

PHONE: (608) 267-2209
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